Breath Flute — Gallery

This page shows some of the work of other fabricators of Breath Flutes. You can click on most of the images to see a larger version …

Ben Gruver

Ben began printing Breath Flute headjoints to use with his 3D-printed Teledoo project – a 3D printed, portable, telescopic didgeridoo that collapses down to approximately the size of a 2 liter bottle.

Breath Flute by Ben Gruver   Breath Flute by Ben Gruver

Ben registered the fabricator code BG on November 12, 2018. Check out the project at

John and Mike Stevens

I saw these two beautifully printed headjoints at the Native Rhythms Festival in Melbourne, FL on November 10, 2018:

Breath Flute by John and Mike Stevens   Breath Flute by John and Mike Stevens   Breath Flute by John and Mike Stevens

These first headjoints were printed from the distribution package with the BF fabricator code. However, they registered the fabricator code JS just after these were printed, and I expect future prints will carry that code.

Contact Mike at